Dolly PAckAge
The Alpha Dolly combines the newest electronics and components; combined with the new hand-control unit which allows the system to match the challenging conditions on the set.
Alpha Dolly System
Jib controller (electronic + programmable)
AB battery add-on
Round Seat
Square soft seat
Seat arm
Standard platform (4 pieces)
Carrying bars
Telescoping seat arm
Mitchell Mount head
20cm ,30cm, 40cm, 50cm risers
2x 25 lbs Plates
8 ft Straight Track
6 ft Straight Track
3 ft Straight Track
Starter track
5 ft Track
8 ft Curved Track (45 degrees)
Low mode system
Counter balance system
F Shaped Bar
4x Dolly Handles
Z Large Offset
Straight 16" Offset
Technical Specifications:
Low starting position of the column
Turnstile integrated in the base dolly, enables 360° rotations of the column
Precise and smooth column movements due to microprocessor control
Allows to set low and high movement limit, store up to 30 points and motion control for an accurate reproduction of vertical movements
Various speed and ramp settings selectable